保利泰有限公司代理國內外知名廠商,專注於運動科學, 運動醫學, 復健醫學研究設備及研發套件銷售
**本網頁顯示皆為運動訓練及研究設備,非為醫療目的, 醫療相關請電洽或e-mail保利泰有限公司
Polypact International Co., Ltd. is distributing ranges of products for well-known domestic and foreign manufacturers, focusing on the sales of sports science, sports medicine, rehabilitation, research equipment and R&D kits.
**This webpage shows all sports training and research equipment, not for medical purposes, please call or e-mail Polypact International Co., Ltd. for medical related
Cortex 水中心肺運動測試
Latest news/最新消息:
- Oct. 12, 2021
Boost one 反重力跑步機
保利泰有限公司依據多年在反重力跑步機銷售維護經驗, 獨家代理引進美國Boost One反重力跑步機。
Boost One 反重力跑步機帶有 Woodway 4front 創新的減少衝擊的解決方案,適用於運動表現和物理治療應用。獨特氣壓技術讓每個人都可以跑步,讓使用者的體重減輕多達 80%。
Boost 反重力跑步機具有操作簡單、耳語安靜的氣壓技術、舒適的短褲和 Woodway 的專利履帶式跑帶技術,可實現舒適、安靜和快速的操作。 - Dec. 1, 2019
Woodway為業界知名廠家,以履帶式跑帶及專利曲面跑台,堅固耐用著稱. - Oct. 20, 2016
保利泰有限公司很榮幸宣布投入Manifold Health Tech Inc., 致力於健康資訊解決方案!
保利泰有限公司很榮幸宣布投入Manifold Health Tech Inc., 致力於健康資訊解決方案!
Manifold Health Tech,Inc.的使命是促進醫院能部署特定疾病的應用程序,在患者評估和管理工作流程中無縫整合,利用和分發所有信息。 目標是實踐以證據為基礎,提高流程效率和盡量減少不當風險。
作為一家全球性公司,Manifold Health Tech,Inc.目前的總部位於加利福尼亞州的聖何塞及其在台灣的亞洲子公司。
Polypact International Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce the investment of Manifold Health Tech Inc.
The mission of Manifold Health Tech, Inc. is to facilitate hospitals to deploy disease-specific applications to seamlessly integrate, utilize, and distribute all information during patient evaluation and management workflows. The goal is to enable evidence-based practice, increase process efficiency and minimize the malpractice risk.
As a global company, Manifold Health Tech, Inc. currently has its headquarter in San Jose, California, and its Asian subsidiary in Taiwan. - Apr. 6, 2016
保利泰有限公司在此榮幸宣布與仲博科技股份有限公司簽署契約, 就醫療, 保健及運動科學研究設備等項目, 加強彼此雙方合作!!
Breaking News!!
We are pleased to announce that Polypact International signed the contract with CHAILEASE RESOURCES to strengthen bilateral cooperation with each other, on marketing medical, healthcare and sports science related devices!!